Called to order by Gerald Syska (GS) at 6:45 PM. Those present were Ed Varela (EV), Linda Rogers (LR), Jackie Curtis (JC), and Coach Elliott (CE).
EV reviewed all accounts, incoming deposits, expenditures, purchased wish list items, etc. The previous treasurer, Courtney Hebert agreed to do 2017 Tax Exempt Return for the booster club. We will wait on voting on the acceptance of the 2017 Tax Form S90.
LR gave a merchandise update. We would like to push selling items such as stadium seats, ponchos and car flags. These items will allow us to represent all sports. A discussion was held regarding changing vendors for t-shirts because of the delayed turnaround time with the current vendor.
EV discussed and shared membership records and will work closely with board member Dean Ryan (DR) in order to reconcile membership records for better accuracy.
Coach Elliott presented two wish list items for approval:
1. 1. Nets of Texas for batting cage netting installation - $2,100
GS made motion and LR second. Motion was APPROVED.
2. Boys Basketball ? Graphics and Custom Windows for decorating Boys Locker room - $2,616.54
GS made motion and JC second. Motion was APPROVED.
Scoreboard Update: We are still waiting on $5,000 commitment from the district.
Panther Cards were discussed. We have a lot of cards left over and it was proposed that we sell the remaining cards in the spring at a discounted price of $10 or $15. We made a profit of $30,000 on the cards this year.
Next board meeting is Monday, November 12, 2018 at 6:30 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.