6:30 PM via Virtual Zoom Mtg.
April 28, 2020
4-28-2020 Minutes
Called to order by Gerald Syska (GS), president at 6:30 PM. Those present were Thelma Bustamante (TB), Jackie Curtis (JC), Ed Varela (EV), Linda Rogers (LR), and Tammy Smith (TS).
March 2020 minutes were reviewed for approval. TB made motion to approve the minutes and TS seconded the motion. APPROVED
Scholarships were discussed during this meeting. May 15, 2020 is the deadline for all applications. Those applying must have Coach Maples and Counselors signature on forms in order for applications to be complete. The committee will meet on May 18th to review applications.
Due to COVID-19, the committee agreed to waive the interview portion of the application process. In addition, the committee made recommendations to change the weight of each category of the scholarship; Sports – 60%; Academics – 15%; Extra Curricular – 10% and Essay – 15%. TB made motion and JC seconded the motion. APPROVED.
Parent Volunteer hours were discussed at length. It was agreed to add the below statements to the application process forms.
Volunteer hours criteria may need to be modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will still be included in the scholarship process. Please list previous Booster Club volunteer hours prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Board's discussion regarding volunteer hours will be final.
JC motioned for the above sentences to be added, GS seconded the motion. APPROVED.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.
Next board meeting is May 18, 2020 @ 6:30 pm, location TBD.