Sent by email
March 23, 2020
3-23-20 Minutes
Called to order by Gerald Syska, President, on March 23 via email. Those responding were Brad Sowell, Linda Rogers, Julia Bynes, Dean Ryan, Jackie Curtis.
Approve February Minutes:
JC Motion
DR Second
JB In favor
LR In Favor
BS In favor
Coach Maple - I spoke with him today and he has a deposit to make for the Activity Fund. Also, he has invoices for vendor checks.
Coach Maple will contact Ed regarding deposits and checks.
Treasurer - Ed has included the February reports (attached). As of 2/29/20, AF balance was $110,666.99 and the Booster Club balance was $45,965.40.
Scholarships - Brad and Ed have not received any applications to date. We should be able to check the mail next month. Applications are due May 15.
Social Media - Tammy has updated the website to include Scholarship Application information as well as Membership reminders.
Concession - Julia deposited $3,494.92 in February and has another deposit to make that is over $4,000.
Merchandise - Thelma has taken inventory of all of our merchandise (attached)
Memberships - A deposit was made in February in the amount of $38.54. Total YTD $3037.05
Programs - There is nothing planned yet for the Summer/Fall.
Secretary - No Wish List items at this time.