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21-Oct-2019 Board Meeting

10-21-19 Minutes

Called to order by Gerald Syska (GS), president at 6:09 PM. Those present were Dean Ryan (DR), Thelma Bustamante (TB), Jackie Curtis (JC), Tammy Smith (TS), Ed Valera (EV) and Coach Maples (CM).

September 2019 minutes were reviewed and approved. DRmade motion to approve the minutes and JCseconded the motion. APPROVED

EV shared financials via email and were reviewed by the board. We received $33,000 for Panther Card sells. We will receive $2,500 from Whataburger.

November 7, 2019 is the final home game of the football season.

GS met with CPA, taxes are completed, and due November 15, 2019.

TB discussed merchandise. New blankets are in and we will sell them at soccer games.

DR gave a brief report on Membership. As of today, we have $2,288.00. The board brainstormed ways to increase membership via social media, flyers, and newsletters highlighting items purchased by booster club, etc. DR and TS will work together to boost membership.

Scholarships were briefly discussed.

TS gave update and will continue working to improve the Social Media website. BS will get information to TS to post regarding the Brick Fundraiser.

New sponsors for scoreboard are Great Harvest and Whataburger.

Coach Maples (CM) presented two wish list items; (1) Boys Soccer - $1,163.00 for balls, cones and vests. DR made motion, TBsecond. APPROVED (2) $5,000/3,000 for Panther Cards order; GS made motion, TS second, APPROVED.

Next board meeting is November 2019

Meeting adjourned at 6:56 pm.

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