08/19/19 Meeting
Called to order by Gerald Syska (GS) at 6:50 PM. Those present were Ed Varela (EV), Linda Rogers (LR), Jackie Curtis (JC), Dean Ryan (DR), Tammy Smith (TS) and Thelma Bustamante (TB); also in attendance Kelly Farmer, Varsity Cheer Mom and Pat M., Varsity Cheer Coach.
GS distributed a copy of the July 2019 minutes and motioned for approval. EV second the motion. Motion was APPROVED.
EV reviewed the financials. There is $54,552.72 in regular account and $17,314.64 Booster Club.
GS spoke on Fall programs; we use Tex Stream. We had a very successful athletic photo shoot and day out in the community thanking sponsors, etc.
First home game is September 5, 2019.
No report for on-line store, DR not present.
TS gave report on Social Media progress.
TB gave update on Merchandise. She spoke with Kroger in the back of Kingwood (W. Lake Houston and Northpark), our merchandise is present in the store. There is no progress on getting merchandise into Walmart by the school. Running shorts and basketball shorts are good selling items according to a manager at Randall’s. TB shared new items to sell and proposal for those items – new hoodie, basketball shorts, running shorts, fishing hats, etc. TB will mail information to board for voting; proposal is $6,457.00.
Julia Bynes JB, Concessions, was not present and GS spoke on her behalf. Humble ISD bought us a new refrigerator for the outdoor concessions.
Scholarship (Brad Sowell, BS not present) EV suggested that we revisit the amount of scholarship awarded and expand the number of students to receive scholarships.
Coach Maples, CM discussed number of Panther Cards ordered (3000) and the number that will be given to each athlete (5).
Wish List Items:
Practice and Game day balls and scrimmage vests, small disc cones, $1,163.00. This item will be postponed and approved around November 2019.
New Mascot uniform - $1,648.95. JC made motion, TS second motion. APPROVED
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm. Next meeting is 9/16/19 at 6:30 pm, Lower LGI.