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16-Dec-2019 Board Meeting

12-16-19 Minutes

Called to order by Gerald Syska (GS), president at 6:30 PM. Those present were Dean Ryan (DR), Thelma Bustamante (TB), Jackie Curtis (JC), Tammy Smith (TS), Ed Valera (EV) and Linda Rogers (LR).

November 2019 minutes were reviewed for approval. DRmade motion to approve the minutes and LRseconded the motion. APPROVED

EV shared financials via email and were reviewed by the board. The booster club is currently at $45,278.84 and the activity fund is at $70,514.33.

TB gave merchandise update. Everything is going well and the on-line store looks great. Thelma will sell merchandise tomorrow at K-Park during a parent event.

DR gave a brief report on Membership. We are close to $4,000 with membership and on-line store sells combined.

Scholarships were discussed. More information is coming. Our January meeting will be dedicated to scholarships.

Concessions: There was a recent break-in at the concession stand in the gym. Some merchandise and money were taken. We will discuss provisions to prevent this from happening in the future.

Overseeing and running the concessions is a huge responsibility and we are currently brainstorming ways in which we can assist Julia Bynes (JB) with this task.

TS gave a Media update and everything is going well at this time; no issues or concerns.

LR briefly discussed programs. We will revisit programs for next year at a later date.

DiMaria – Fresh Food restaurant owner would like for his restaurant added to the Panther Cards for 2020-2021 school year.

There are no wish list items at this time.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Next board meeting is January 13, 2020 @ 6:30 pm at the Lower LGI.

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