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13-Jan-2020 Board Meeting

1-13-2020 Minutes

Called to order by Gerald Syska (GS), president at 6:02 PM. Those present were Dean Ryan (DR), Thelma Bustamante (TB), Jackie Curtis (JC), Brad Sowells (BS), Ed Varela (EV), Linda Rogers (LR) and Coach Maples (CM).

December 2019 minutes were reviewed for approval. TBmade motion to approve the minutes and DRseconded the motion. APPROVED

EV shared financials via email and were reviewed by the board. The booster club is currently at $46,458.18 and the activity fund is at $75,101.93.

We are losing about $1,000.00 on concessions and need to re-evaluate procedures, etc. We only have one deposit of $1,340.00 this school year from concessions.

TB gave merchandise update. Randall’s in the front of Kingwood is going out of business and is closing on February 15, 2020. TRwill retrieve our merchandise from the store before it closes. She went to Walmart by K-Park in effort to put merchandise in their store. She will also try to get our merchandise in Kroger’s in the back of Kingwood on NorthPark Drive.

DR gave a brief update on Membership/On-line Store and there is no new information to report at this time.

Scholarships were discussed in more detail. We will increase the number of scholarships from 10 to 12 at $1,500. The breakdown of the categories on the application are as follows:

60% athletics, 20% interview plus written essay, 10% academic and 10% extracurricular/community.

LR will check with colleagues for a rubric for scholarships.

Media update: Everything is going well currently; no issues or concerns.

LR briefly discussed programs. She would like for us to attempt to do our own Spring Programs this year for the Spring sports. This will be the first time that spring programs were done at K-Park. More information is coming.

There was one wish list item presented: (1) Poles for pole vaulting in track. The cost is roughly around $3,000.00. Coach Elliott is in the process of finding better quotes. Therefore, we will vote on the poles later.

Meeting adjourned at 7:07 pm.

Next board meeting is February 13, 2020 @ 6:30 pm at the Lower LGI.

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