2-13-2020 Minutes
Called to order by Gerald Syska (GS), president at 6:15 PM. Those present were Tammy Smith (TS), Thelma Bustamante (TB), Brad Sowell (BS), Ed Varela (EV), Linda Rogers (LR) and Coach Maple (CM).
January 2020 minutes were reviewed for approval. GS made motion to approve the minutes and BS seconded the motion. APPROVED
Treasurer – EV reviewed bank accounts. There is approximately 16k to spend for the balance of 2020 if not other income is recorded.
Scholarship – BS said the form is online. The board discussed plans for finalizing next year’s form as 6 board members will have seniors.
Programs – LR mentioned we will not have a Spring program. Ideas for next year included involving Ms. Ortiz and KPHS students.
Membership / Online Store – GS for DR. GS will work on getting Coach Maple a reminder email to coaches. Also, GS will try to set up a table at soccer, baseball, softball games to raise awareness.
Concessions – GS for JB. JB recently made a 3500 deposit.
Social Media / Web – TS has communicated via Twitter and has posted Scholarship form on webpage. Waiting for Brick order form.
Merchandise – TB is looking for a Randall’s replacement. No new items needed until Spring.
Secretary – GS for JC. No Wish List items.
BRICK SALES NOTE: We have 3 of 10 brick orders. GS will get with Project Grad to split profits on sales and ask Mr Solomon to send reminder emails to everyone.